MarkdownSharp  1.12
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Public メソッド | プロパティ
クラス MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions

Container for Markdown options. This class is immutable, create a new instance if you want to change the options after construction. [詳細]


Public メソッド

 MarkdownOptions ()
 Default constructor. First loads default values, then overrides them with any values specified in the configuration file. Configuration values are specified in the <appSettings> section of the config file and take the form Markdown.PropertyName where PropertyName is any of the properties in this class.
 MarkdownOptions (bool loadFromConfigFile)
 Sets all values to their defaults, and if loadFromConfigFile is true it overrides them with configuration file values. Configuration values are specified in the <appSettings> section of the config file and take the form Markdown.PropertyName where PropertyName is any of the properties in this class.
 MarkdownOptions (bool autoHyperlink, bool autoNewlines, string emptyElementsSuffix, bool encodeProblemUrlCharacters, bool linkEmails, int nestDepth, bool strictBoldItalic, int tabWidth)
 Sets all options explicitly and does not attempt to override them with values from configuration file.


bool AutoHyperlink [get, set]
 when true, (most) bare plain URLs are auto-hyperlinked WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
bool AutoNewlines [get, set]
 when true, RETURN becomes a literal newline WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
string EmptyElementSuffix [get, set]
 use ">" for HTML output, or " />" for XHTML output
bool EncodeProblemUrlCharacters [get, set]
 when true, problematic URL characters like [, ], (, and so forth will be encoded WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
bool LinkEmails [get, set]
 when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
bool StrictBoldItalic [get, set]
 when true, bold and italic require non-word characters on either side WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
int NestDepth [get, set]
 maximum nested depth of [] and () supported by the transform
int TabWidth [get, set]
 Tabs are automatically converted to spaces as part of the transform this variable determines how "wide" those tabs become in spaces.


Container for Markdown options. This class is immutable, create a new instance if you want to change the options after construction.

Markdown.cs95 行で定義されています。


Default constructor. First loads default values, then overrides them with any values specified in the configuration file. Configuration values are specified in the <appSettings> section of the config file and take the form Markdown.PropertyName where PropertyName is any of the properties in this class.

MarkdownOptions.cs22 行で定義されています。

MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.MarkdownOptions ( bool  loadFromConfigFile) [inline]

Sets all values to their defaults, and if loadFromConfigFile is true it overrides them with configuration file values. Configuration values are specified in the <appSettings> section of the config file and take the form Markdown.PropertyName where PropertyName is any of the properties in this class.

loadFromConfigFileTrue to override defaults with values from config file.

MarkdownOptions.cs32 行で定義されています。

MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.MarkdownOptions ( bool  autoHyperlink,
bool  autoNewlines,
string  emptyElementsSuffix,
bool  encodeProblemUrlCharacters,
bool  linkEmails,
int  nestDepth,
bool  strictBoldItalic,
int  tabWidth 
) [inline]

Sets all options explicitly and does not attempt to override them with values from configuration file.


MarkdownOptions.cs97 行で定義されています。


when true, (most) bare plain URLs are auto-hyperlinked WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec

Markdown.cs101 行で定義されています。

when true, RETURN becomes a literal newline WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec

Markdown.cs106 行で定義されています。

use ">" for HTML output, or " />" for XHTML output

Markdown.cs110 行で定義されています。

when true, problematic URL characters like [, ], (, and so forth will be encoded WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec

Markdown.cs115 行で定義されています。

when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec

Markdown.cs120 行で定義されています。

maximum nested depth of [] and () supported by the transform

MarkdownOptions.cs158 行で定義されています。

when true, bold and italic require non-word characters on either side WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec

Markdown.cs125 行で定義されています。

Tabs are automatically converted to spaces as part of the transform this variable determines how "wide" those tabs become in spaces.

MarkdownOptions.cs170 行で定義されています。

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