php oil refine robots |
We have quite a lot of app/tasks/ and want to organize them a bit, so we need to put oil refine tasks in subfolders, But we didnt figure out how to call them. We put task class file in fuel/tasks/sub/task.php: ... |
No, this is currently not supported. Tasks don't follow the rules of the autoloader, they are loaded hardcoded. This will be remedied in 2.0. |
by http://fuelphp.com/forums/discussion/8297/subfolders-in-oil-refine-is-it-possible
ちなみに、oil refineの処理は下記場所で実装されています。あまり良い対応のしかたではありませんが、Find the taskのコメントがある箇所付近を修正すればカスタマイズできるかも…です。
class Refine { public static function run($task, $args = array()) { ... // Find the task if ( ! $file = \Finder::search('tasks', $task)) { $files = \Finder::instance()->list_files('tasks'); $possibilities = array(); foreach($files as $file) { ... |
ちなみに、oil refineコマンドで実行可能なタスク(=FuelPHPに認識してされているタスク)は、以下のようにhelpコマンドで確認できます。
php oil refine help
Usage: php oil [r|refine] <taskname> Description: Tasks are classes that can be run through the the command line or set up as a cron job. Available tasks: php oil refine robots php oil refine robots:protect php oil refine fromdb php oil refine fromdb:help php oil refine fromdb:scaffold php oil refine fromdb:model php oil refine fromdb:migration php oil refine install php oil refine migrate:help php oil refine session php oil refine session:create php oil refine session:remove php oil refine session:clear php oil refine session:help Documentation: http://docs.fuelphp.com/packages/oil/refine.html |
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